
Human Resource Management of Hilton Hotel


Human resource management is considered as important part of an organisation. For service industry, where complete work is done on efficient service to the customer. In that situation, human resource comes in the main role to enables effectiveness and efficiency in an organisation. This report will be carried on Hilton hotel which is the leading hotel organisation in the United Kingdom with most loyal customer to their services. In this report, there will be a discussion on role and purpose of human resource management in service industry. There will be conversation regarding the job description for hiring most effective candidate. There would be a scenario for comparison of selection process of two different industry and organisation. This report will also put light on contribution of training and development to enhance the operational efficiency(Noe,2016). 

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1.1 Role and Purpose of Human Resource Management in a Service Industry

Human resource management is considered as an application and knowledge of selection, recruitment and staffing and hiring of an employee(Premeaux, 2015). It is a plan of action which is formed with the purpose to contribute and empower the administration of an organisation or an individual. It was initiated in the past time to enhance and improve an individual employee as well as team group performance. In context with Hilton hotel, it is required to understand various roles and purpose of the human resource management are as follows:


Conflict management: It is the major role and duty of human resource manager to solve conflict within an organisation to make workforce effectively achieving their targets and goals. For this, a proper values, ethics, vision and code of conduct is required to manage working accountability in the Hilton Hotel. In this organisation, human resource management is suffering with an issue of daily conflict and issues among employee regarding work, pay and other aspects

Recruitment and selection: It is an important and focal role of human resource manager to recruit the right person at right time at the right place to fill the required space and vacancy in an organisation. In context with Hilton hotel, HR manager should hire an appropriate candidate with right skills, talent and knowledge for an effective results.

Training and development: This is the major role of human resource management in the Hilton Hotel to train and development their employee with the eyed vision to achieve drastic change and achievement of well-defined goals or targets in this hotel. This organisation needs to implement and formulate a proper structure and training and development plan to make this role clear with an appropriate vision and values.


Employee relation: The main purpose of the human resource system is to enhance an effective and full of bonding employee and employer relation in an organisation. In context with Hilton Hotel, proper and good relation needs to be continue and maintained in order to motivate an employee and company's vision, values, objectives and importance to an organisation environment(Gerhart, 2014).

Resource allocation: The clear and defined purpose of human resource management is to allocate the resources such as time, workforce efforts, funds etc. in order to gain effectiveness and desired work performance in an organisation. In context with Hilton Hotel, organisation can invest such resources in training and development and motivation of an employee to attain well-defined and structured goals of an organisation.

Lastly, it is advisable that roles and purpose of human resource management is required to be defined and cleared in advance to gain power and results from the effective human resource management.

1.2 Human resource plan based on an analysis of supply and demand for service industry.

In context with Hilton Hotel, there are various external environmental factors and aspects in which organisation operates their business. This hotel is located in London city of United Kingdom where environment is very cherish, pleasant and happy. In accordance with this, United Kingdom is considered as most attractive and tourist spotting place in the world. Various external environment such as:

Climate and weather: Weather of United Kingdom is very pleasant and charismatic. It attracts the tourism factors towards it. In context with the Hilton hotel, it is an advantage to this organisation to attract more business from such fruitful environment(Wright, 2016).

Peace: According to various United Nation agencies, it has been noticed that United Kingdom is full of peace, faith and brotherhood, where conflicts and fights are more less or even not there. It is an grabbing advantage to the Hilton Hotel to achieve more and more customers.

Economic environment: Economic stability of United Kingdom is well managed and in a proper condition that it will be beneficial for this organisation to continue and sustain their business in the present sector as well as other sectors.

Analysis of demand and supply of labour: Demand and supply of labour in the hotel industry is always determined on the basis of present and future availability of manpower in an organisation. If demand will be higher than supply, it means that Hilton would need to recruit more and more workforce in order to gain competitive advantage(Mondy, 2015). 

Development of the HR Plan

In context with Hilton Hotel, to be top in the business, it is required to develop and justify the well-structured and developed HR plan in order to promote and achieve organisational goals of an organisation. The whole process of the HR plan are as follows:

First priority to the business plan: Before the formulation of the HR plan, it is required that business plan should be implemented to lead and know actual goals and targets of an organisation. Actually, the HR plan is depends on the size and complexity of the company.

Assess the company's skill set: For the development of human resource plan, Hilton hotel needs to identify current and required skill sets. This will be identify on the basis of gap between current and future required skills and also targets for the future efforts of an organisation.

Reviewing an organisational plans: In context with Hilton hotel, there is a need of organisational design to be covered in the HR plans. It includes job description, compensation and remuneration and relationships etc. Training is also considered the important part of the HR plan. HR plan will map out the right strategies for training. It is essential that HR plan should be on right track to ascertain the return on investment.

Motivation and retaining employees: To enhance the productivity, Hilton hotel needs to hire right people at right time at right place. Along with hiring, retention and motivation is also required to sustain the large base of employee to avoid training and development cost on new employee(Lake, 2015).

Establishing the succession plan: The sound HR plan is incomplete without succession planning strategies. Succession planning is arrived from an effective performance of an employee.


2.1 Assess the current state of employment relations in a selected service industry

Before the real discussion starts, first it is required to tell and understand about an employment relation. Employment relation refers to the understanding and collaboration among the workforce of an organisation which help them in their co-ordination to avoid conflicts and confusion. In context with Hilton hotel, Employee and staff members of an organisation has recently setup their own union to maintain their work, remuneration and employment relation in a right way. Employment relation are good in the Hilton Hotel, every person are well-connected and co-ordinated with each other. The trade union of the Hilton hotel works with the purpose to unite the workforce of the hotel to protect their interests and employment in this organisation and help them to solve conflicts and issues. They had implemented the workforce union with some common purpose and requirements are as follows:

Culture: The culture and standards of the Hilton hotel is similar to the corporate environment and regulations. During working time, they need to wear and well-dressed in the formal attire and office prescribed uniform to maintain the work accountability and feasibility in an organisation(Bohlander, 2016).

Bargaining and negotiation: Collective bargaining is the process in which various member of a union and employer negotiate with each other on scope and status of an employment relationship in the industry. In context with Hilton hotel, employees and worker are much competent to bargain and negotiate on the matter of wages, remuneration, hours, benefits and promotion and other employment aspects to handle and solve the disputes.

Reconciliation and consultation: In context with Hilton hotel, it is the process in which employee conflicts and disputes are used to be solved by conciliation, arbitrary service and other advisory bureau etc.(Yeung, 2016).

Employee participation and empowerment: In context with Hilton hotel, union needs to make sure that employee should perform and give their best to increase productivity and profitability in an organisation. Employee are required to take participation in various activities of an organisation in order to enhance their productivity and efficiency. Empowerment to an employee is given on the basis of responsibilities assigned for attracting and satisfying customers to increase and enhance the profitability and productivity for an organisation.

Grievance and disciplinary: It is the major duty and role of a union is to address their employee’s through formal and informal meetings to understand and know any problem and issue happening with them. In context with Hilton hotel, union needs to take care of code of conduct and discipline of an employee.

2.2 How employment law affects the management of human resources in a hospitality industry

In order to protect rights and power of an employee, there are various employment laws which was initiated to protect employment relation in an organisation. In context with Hilton hotel, laws such as employment rights and legislation are required to be discussed and analyse. The following laws and rights are as follow:

Employee rights: Such rights are meant to keep contract of employment with an employer to work safely and completely in an organisation. In context with Hilton hotel, these rights are appropriate to get appropriate training and suitability for the own access of personal information. Rights are the pre-owned property of an employee. Such rights includes right to act, speech and expression(Brockbank, 2015).

Employee legislation: The legislation which is implemented for the purpose of protecting rights of an employee such as the equal pay act, equal opportunity and priority act. These acts are implemented with the purpose to give equal opportunity to men and women who are working as an employee. These acts also includes working time and hours which allowed to work in the office. The health and safety act is included with the purpose of taking care of health and safety of an employee as main consideration. Equal discrimination act has been taken into consideration for giving equal opportunity to every person rather than on basis of gender, race, age or disability which is now considered as illegal in context of an employee. Certain other legislation such as gratuity and provident funds act was made with the purpose to motivate employee by the paying their future needs and make planning for their further job tenure. These acts are also aims at protecting the jobs of an employee in order to build trust in them and enhance their work accountability and behaviour in an organisation.

Amendments and new acts introduced: In context with Hilton hotel, there are several amendments and new acts has been introduced such as employment acts, 2013, maternity act, 2005 and employment rights act, 2014(amended) with purpose of giving equal working pays and leave to the pregnant women workers for their well-being(Ulrich, 2013).


3.1 Job description and person specifications through examples from a hospitality organisation

In context with Hilton hotel, it is necessary and mandatory to discuss education, qualification and skills required of an eligible candidate. Eligible candidate means the person with most adequate skills, talent and abilities to perform their best and for an attainment of an organisational goals or targets(Legge, 2015). When an organisation generally hiring for filling vacancy in their organisation, they use to put job description which specifies an employee roles and responsibilities, summary about the job profile, job title and job title etc. Job roles and responsibilities are used to show an actual reality of the job and its existence. A perfect job description may provide benefits to organisation such as employee retention, profitability by the right employee with skills and duties etc. In Hilton hotel, organisation is looking for person which suits best on hotel manager position. There can be various issues in an organisation such as lack of an effective HR system, improper employee and employee retention etc. It is necessary that summary of the job profile, roles and responsibilities of an employee should be well defined and stated in order to hire best suitable employee for the job. To find solution of these issues, a proper structured job description is required to be made for the better understanding of the job role(Sherman, 2017).

Job Description

Hilton Hotel

Job Code: J123

Job Title: Hotel Manager

FLSA status: Exempt

Report to: Region head

Released date: 25.11.2018

Summary: To cover most important aspects of the hotel such as guest attraction, involvement and satisfaction. To generate business for the hotel and regulate manpower and their allocation. To analyses the actual demand and supply of labor to maintain productivity and functioning of n organisation.

Qualification: Should be completed with Diploma in the hotel management with formal training and exposure in the prescribed industry.

Experience: Minimum experience of 1 year or more into the similar industry.

Roles and Responsibilities:

  • To generate business and profitability for the hotel through advertising, promotion and other activities.
  • To engage more customers with management and excellence of an organisation.
  • To make and implement various strategies in such a way that hotel would gain business on regular basis and ensure the sustainability and growth.
  • To look at the inflow and outflow of the funds, resources, material and manpower etc.
  • To prepare annual budget for the purpose to raise funds and finance in different department of an organisation.
  • To make sure that resource are appropriately utilized in an organisation.

3.2 Compare the selection process of different service industries businesses

Selection process is considered as most pecuniary process which come after the recruitment stage. In this stage, various tests such as aptitude test, analytical test and personality comes under the consideration(Foster, 2014). Selection process of two organisation namely Hilton hotel and Riverview bistro. needs to be discussed in order to make process and procedures of the Hilton hotel effective and relative. Here, two different industry such as hotel and restaurants has been taken. In context with Hilton hotel, this comparison would result in beneficial of an organisation:


Hilton hotel: This organisation is very accurate toward their selection process. There process starts with apply online through official websites or any employment agencies. After the collection of an applicants, they used to classify and select an appropriate candidate on the basis of desired knowledge, qualification and criteria. Just after selecting an appropriate candidate, they used to call them for interview and various tests to know their ability and capability. Interview is taken to know their potential and power. If the person selected in an interview and various selection test, they used to call the candidate or send an offer letter either by mail or postal services etc.(Snell, 2013).

Riverview Bistro: As this organisation is engaged in the restaurant business, so they needs to deal in the customer service on an daily basis. Hence, the selection process will also be critical. There process starts with apply through online portals or websites, in which they needs to clear brief test same on a websites. If person pass the test, they will be call for an interview only. If candidate clears an interview, organisation is used to send offer letter by mail or postal.

From this comparison, it is noticeable that it will be beneficial for Hilton hotel to take online test when a candidate apply straight away on the websites. It will help Hilton hotel to minimise time and cost of the hiring(Laurent, 20

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